Hair Curlers are becoming talk of the town nowadays and they are undoubtedly improving in terms of safety day by day as well. Modern technology made it possible to have compact yet safest hair care equipment for you but still there are plenty of safety precautions you need to learn before using a common hair curling iron available in your home. We’ve 護髮用品 listed few of the most common yet most important safety measures you should keep in mind while using hair curler.

  1. Dry Ones are Best for Curlers

Some people recommend that wet hairs can be waved or curled easily using hair curlers but it can be hazardous for your hairs as well. If you are new at using the hair curling irons so you should never use hair curling iron with wet hairs because it can cause your hands wet which ends up in an electric shock.

  1. Mind the Gap Between Scalp and FlatIron

Yes, flat irons can burn your skin so easily and instantly which you can never imagine. so always mind the safe gap between your hair scalp and the iron. The idea is quite simple, just leave one and a half inches of your hairs away from your curler and everyone will remain safe that fine day.

  1. Always Use High quality Products

Hair curlers are one of those products which you can find easily in market at very cheap prices but with fake promises. These fake curling irons can damage not only your hairs but saving few dollars can leave you intense burns on your skin. Always buy a branded hair curling iron that has passed a safety compliance certificate from a reputable quality control department. We will be writing a brief note about this in our future safety and advice guides.

  1. Keep the Temperature at the Lowest Possible

Just like your body, your hairs are also heat sensitive and can be burnt so easily within a blink of an eye so setting a temperature on hair curling iron is another job you must take care of. Extreme temperature setting can give you instant results but might leave you intense hair burns which you will regret later. Always maintain your hair curling iron at the minimum possible heating temperature and always get the reliable and best results.

If you are just thinking that you have a electric board nearby your dressing and it will do a perfect job even if you have small cord on your hair curling iron, then you are probably wrong because a professional hair curling must have at least 2 meters of power cord. it is not just a plug-in-and-out job but there should be enough cable so you can move your curlers so easily.

Those were some of the best yet most common hair curler iron safety tips you must always keep in mind while using the device. We’ve a bunch of other safety tips, advices and hair styles and stories for your beautiful hairs, you might get interest reading them anytime!


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